School2Home Program
For the 2024-25 school year, Thomas R. Pollicita will be in the ninth year of our School2Home program which will ensure that every student has a Chromebook to use during school and to bring home daily.
Please sign up for the Parent Portal so you can view student schedules, attendance, test scores, report cards, etc.
Instructions to sign up for the Parent Portal:
Sign up for your Parentvue account at:
- Click on: "I'm a Parent"
- Click on: "More Options"
- Click on: "Activate Account"
- Enter your First and Last Name
- Enter your Activation Code (will be provided to you via email/mail)
School2Home Handbooks
Click here for the School2Home Handbook in English.
Haga clic aquí para la Guía de Chromebook para estudiantes y familias en espanol.
Sometimes, accidental damage occurs to the Chromebooks and/or chargers. On the first time occurrence, JESD will waive the repair cost. Any future repairs will be charged using the rates listed in this document. Please encourage your student to be extra careful with their Chromebooks. Any damage should be reported immediately to the librarian, Miss Kolling.