Jefferson Elementary School District
Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC)

The Jefferson Elementary School District Governing Board recognizes that parents/guardians are their children's first and most influential teachers and that sustained parent involvement in the education of their children contributes greatly to student achievement and a positive school environment. JESD's goal is to develop meaningful opportunities at all grade levels for parents/guardians to be involved in district and school activities; advisory, decision-making, and advocacy roles; and activities to support learning at home. The district has established Parent Involvement Advisory Committee (PIAC) to help meet this goal. 

PIAC members created a list of resources for school staff and parents to use as a reference for encouraging parent involvement.

Parental Involvement Resource List


All PIAC meetings are held 6:00-7:00 pm
Jefferson Elementary School District Office Board Rooms
Board Rooms A and B
101 Lincoln Avenue
Daly City, CA 94015
If you are interested in participating in PIAC, please contact your school principal or Pam Scott ( for district level involvement.



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